Let’s make big changes together.

About Lisa

I seek to connect with others to help them heal in a heart-centered way.

I have worked with hundreds of patients in my career in healthcare as a Speech-Language Pathologist in the hospital setting. I help them find a way back to themselves and their lives. As a coach, I seek to heal my clients using the same heart-centered approach of deep connection in the backdrop of psychology and energetics instead of healthcare. 

It took many years to recognize that I was feeling unfulfilled and confused as an adult. I dove into deep reflection and exploration. I “awoke” realizing that I never felt worthy of the things that I wanted. Even with intelligence, wit, and an empathetic but outgoing personality I never felt like any of that was “enough”. I was always striving for perfection to “prove” myself, without gaining what I was seeking – true acceptance and love for just being my authentic self. This messaging was not intentional, but indirect and ever-present.

Part of this unworthiness included an inability to communicate my emotions. As someone who didn’t recognize her worth, in turn, I didn’t recognize the importance of sharing my feelings and opinions. This presented as a lack of boundaries and people-pleasing.  The results of this pattern yielded making many wrong choices.  I was unable to look inward and recognize that the only person that I needed to please was myself. So instead I sought out what society told me was desirable: success, money, recognition, and the promise of a “good life”.

Once I finally learned to express my emotions, to look inside and see what was lurking beneath all of the programming and superficial garbage, I  learned that my feelings not only matter but that they need to be expressed in order for me to fully step into my power and to embody my life fully and authentically.  As I began living MY one true wild and free life, things shifted. I felt alive, strong, empowered, and reborn.  

I’ve spent the past several years gradually taking back control by unlearning old habits, and practicing to be a mindful creator of my reality, rather than a follower of someone else’s blueprint for life.

Through this process of self-exploration, I learned that I possess the gifts of communication, healing, counseling, and compassion. I had been using these qualities in my personal life as a mother, and wife and in my beloved career as a Medical Speech Language Pathologist.  I have now decided that it is time to use these gifts in a different way. Life Coaching feels like coming home to me.

My journey has been bumpy and winding, but I wouldn’t change a thing. If I did, I wouldn’t be who I am as I write these words or have gleaned the insights along the way in order to be able to offer my tools and gifts to all of you. This journey of self-awareness has taken me from an unaware to a curious explorer. I have shifted my mindset and in doing so, found a new way of living and being. I am a work in progress, which is just perfect.

I would be honored to accompany you on your journey back to yourself, the only authentic way to BE.  


I work with clients individually once a week in a 12-week container for 45-minute time slots. The details of this process will be curated on a client-to-client basis. Each client relationship will use The Healy Frequency device, Human Design, and the Gene Keys. 

In our sessions, we will explore what is blocking your ability to evolve into the highest expression of your authentic self using the tools stated above and coaching through this process.

My Design

I am a 2/4 Splenic Manifestor in Human Design; I have the Money Line (21-45). My Incarnation Cross is the RAX Cross of Rulership 2.

My Astrology is Sun in Gemini, Moon in Cancer, and Virgo Ascendant.

Quotes I Love

Change your thoughts and you change your mind.

Trust yourself over anything –Martha Beck

Put yourself out there, drop the shields and barriers you have put up – they prevent the world from seeing your light.

Vulnerability provides an opportunity to find strength that will bring freedom.

Sensitivity is a gift.

Every Action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become- James Clear

“The Key to healing is the individual’s active, free and informed choice. Liberation from oppressive and stressful external circumstances is essential. But that is only possible if we first liberate ourselves from our ingrained biology of belief.“ ~Gabor Mate

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs; who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds, who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails by daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who never know victory or defeat.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt


As a migraine sufferer for many years, I have always sought a new way to heal and change. I was drawn to the Healy device immediately upon learning about it. The fact that it bears my name is simply a divine connection that I simply could not overlook. 

Healy has changed my life in many ways, it has provided improved vitality and wellness to me, it has provided a beautiful community of lightworkers that I am honored to be a part of called The Vibe Tribe and changed how I see healing and working with others. All of my clients will receive a Healy as part of the coaching container and we will use the Healy together in conjunction with Coaching in general.

What is Healy?

Healy is a revolutionary Wearable Holistic Health Device which uses Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs to harmonize the Bioenergetic Field.

There are frequencies for everything. Fitness programs for athletes to recover; Sleep programs to improve restful sleep; Beauty programs to support aging for skin, hair, and nails, Mental Health programs to improve mood and therefore improve your life. Programs to balance the Chakras, and programs for every system and organ in the body.

To understand how Healy works we must shift our paradigm in how we look at the body. Recently the way the medical field has looked at the body and approached health is in terms of Biochemistry. Doctors were trained on and pharmaceuticals work for us to heal the body on a biochemical level. However, in fact, the body isn’t biochemical, it’s electrical.  

We must learn to work with the electrical foundation of the body, in order to create radiant health. The EKG and EEG tests show that the body is electrical in that they would not occur if there wasn’t an electrical signal present in the heart and the brain. Electrical signals provide the information for these tests. We are electric beings. 

Our cells are like batteries. We know that a flashlight shines a light every time it is used. The battery begins to run out the more the flashlight is used and in this process, the light becomes dimmer and dimmer. Eventually, the light doesn’t work anymore and the battery died. Our cells, too, are like batteries. Unless we charge our cells on a daily basis they start to die. The daily stresses on the body, aging/time, and inflammation all impact the current in the body. Ultimately it is the electrical current that is running through our bodies that determines if a person is alive or dead. 

The Healy is a tool that is able to recharge our own cells which are like the batteries of our bodies on a daily basis. Just like people charge their cell phones we can continually recharge our cells and regenerate organs and cells and tissues that are in our bodies.